
Simple Exception Handling Facilities

Simple exception handling

Simple exception handling is accomplished with methods that take a handler, usually a block. Some of these methods are very well-known and commonly used.

Perhaps the most frequently used of these methods is Dictionary>>at:ifAbsent:. This method takes a key and a block. The block is simply a deferred statement that takes the control when the key is not in the dictionary. In a sense, the block is an exception handler for a very special exceptional situation:

  | dict |
dict := Dictionary new.
dict at: 'dog' put: 'Hund'.
dict at: 'cat' ifAbsent: ['* unknown word *']

A similar method is Collection>>detect:ifNone:. This method takes two blocks, one that defines a search condition and one that serves as an exception handler for the special situation 'nothing found':

  | collection foundItem |
collection := #(#('dog' 'Hund')
                #('cat' 'Katze')
                #('snake' 'Schlange')).
foundItem := 
   collection detect: [:item | item first = 'bird']
              ifNone: [].

The method doesNotUnderstand:

A very special feature is available to catch a message that is not understood by its receiver. It is the method doesNotUnderstand:, which is part of the instance protocol of Object.

ifError: and: ensure:

There are two methods that provide simple exception handling for the statements of a block. These are ifError: and ensure:.

Example for the use of ifError::

ifError: is a message that is sent to a block. The argument of ifError: is a block that is evaluated when the evaluation of the receiver signals an otherwise unhandled exception that is derived from Error. In a sense, ifError: is a 'catch-all' handler for Errors.

| dict |
  dict := Dictionary new.
  dict at: 'dog' put: 'Hund'.
  [dict at: 'cat'] ifError: ['* unknown word *']

Example for the use of ensure::

ensure: is a message that is sent to a block. The argument of ensure: is a block that is evaluated under all circumstances immediately after evaluation of the receiver. This method can be used to close files, to restore cursors and to restore clipping rectangles.

showWhile: aBlock 
   " While evaluating the argument, aBlock,
     make the receiver be the cursor shape. "

    | oldCursor |
  oldCursor := Sensor currentCursor.
  self show.
  ^aBlock ensure: [oldCursor show]

The ensure:-block is not really an exception handler, in fact it is a finalizer that is called when a block is left. This happens
