It is not difficult at all to programm a window. The creation of a window requires only four function calls that can be written into one single function definition:
import "gtk3" Graphics.UI.Gtk main :: IO () main = do initGUI window <- windowNew widgetShow window mainGUI
This is sufficient to create and to display a window. The window has no content at all, but it is decorated with a title bar and a frame. The title bar provides facilities to move, to resize, to minimize, to maximize and to close the window. Some window managers may offer additional actions.
Explanations and Notes
To use Gtk-3 in your program, you must import the module Graphics.UI.Gtk. It is good practise to write the import statement with the additional hint "gtk3". This hint helps the compiler to find the correct module when modules for both Gtk-2 and Gtk-3 are installed on your computer.
The entire program ist written as one single parameterless function of type IO (). That type enables the function to communicate with its environment, that is, with the operating system.
Before it can be used, Gtk must be prepared for usage. This is done with the call
(When you use Gtk-3 with the programming language C, this function is called "gtk_init".)
Next, the function windowNew is called to create the window to be shown. A reference to the newly created window is stored in the variable window.
Next, the window is made visible with a call of function widgetShow. That function takes the variable window as it's sole argument.
To make the window work, you must call the function
This call enters a loop that processes all user input to the window.
(When you use Gtk-3 with the programming language C, this function is called "gtk_main".)
Archive file with this example: Example001.tar.gz. Be sure to read the file README.txt for further instructions. Included in that archive file is the makefile that is described below.
To compile a program you can directly call the ghc compiler:
ghc -O2 -o Main Main.hs -XPackageImports
The compiler creates three files:
It is also possible to prepare a small makefile to simplify the compilation:
CC = ghc NAME = Main OPTIONS = -XPackageImports all: $(NAME).hs $(CC) -O2 -o $(NAME) $(NAME).hs $(OPTIONS) clean: rm -f $(NAME).hi rm -f $(NAME).o rm -f $(NAME)
The overall structure of this makefile follows established conventions:
Note that make targets are written with tabs. In the
text shown above, a green bar indicates the presence of a tab. These
tabs are in fact needed; the makefile will fail to work when you replace
the tabs with a sequence of blanks!
You can copy the text shown above into your preferred text editor. The
copy function keeps the tabs, but bear in mind that you have to configure
your editor in such a way that it does not automatically expand tabs into
sequences of blanks.
This tutorial provides makefiles for all examples.
To compile your program with that makefile, open a termial window in the foulder that contains your program and the makefile and type:
To start the compiled program, enter
into the terminal window you used to compile the program.
Regrettably, the code shown is not sufficient to terminate the program after the window was removed from the screen.
You may observe that, in the terminal window you used to start the program, you do not obtain the input prompt again after the window of your program was closed. This indicates that the program is still running. When you close the terminal window, your programm will be terminated, but this is of course not the most appropriate method to terminate a program.
To verify that the program continues to run after its window was closed, you can use the command ps, which lists information about running processes.
Open a new terminal window and type in
ps -a
You obtain a list of those of your processes that are associated with a terminal:
PID TTY TIME CMD 17038 pts/1 00:00:00 Main 17612 pts/2 00:00:00 ps
To terminate your programm, you can now use the kill command.
kill -9 17038
Note that you do not need administrator rights to terminate a process that you own.
The process is terminated, the message Killed" is diplayed in the window that you used to start the programm and then you obtain the input prompt again.